MHA Program for MAY 2021

The Middleborough Historical Association presents Clara Barton

Born in 1821, Clara’s life was dedicated to helping others. She accepted no pay as she taught poor children whose parents had no money to send them to school. She raised warehouses full of food, medicine and clothing during the Civil War and then courageously went to the front to nurse the wounded and dying. In 1881, she started the American Red Cross which is her legacy today.

Sheryl Faye presents Historical Women will portray Clara Barton in a pre-recorded performance available online on Monday, May 3,2021 from 6:00-8:00 pm only. The video is about 35 minutes long, so be sure to allow yourself enough time to watch the entire video because it will automatically turn off at 8:00 pm.

Simply click the link and enter the password.    

PASSWORD: clara     (all lowercase)

MCCAM will also broadcast this performance at 7 pm on the Public Access Channel: Comcast Channel 95 and Verizon Channel 35       

Contact the Middleborough Historical Museum for questions, [email protected] or call 781-361-1427